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How to Traceroute from PC and Apple?

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Traceroute is a very helpful step when figuring out if your website is down or if there is some problems between your computer and the server.

Here is how you can do a Traceroute from your PC:

1. Click the “Start” menu in the left bottom corner of your screen
2. Find and click “Run…” command.
3. In the opened run window type cmd and click “OK”.
4. In the opened command window type tracert right after “C:\Documents and Settings\Owner>”.
5. Press the “enter” key on your keyboard and wait until it finished.

Here is how you can do a Traceroute from your Apple:

1. Open “Network Utility” program, located in the “Utilities” folder in the “Applications” folder.
2. Select the “Traceroute” tab and type
3. Click the “trace” button or press the “enter” key on your keyboard and wait until it finished.

Feel free to open support ticket through your client area if you have any questions and/or need help. 

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